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=> BULLETIN: United 2026 wins World Cup 2026 vote, 134-65, over Morocco <=
TSX HEADLINES – for June 13, 2018: One of the biggest topics of discussions among spectators at last week’s NCAA Track & Field Championships had nothing to do with the athletes.
It was about the fate of the East Grandstand at Hayward Field, slated for de-construction to make way for the new Hayward Field stadium to be ready in advance of the 2021 IAAF World Championships.
Why all the passion for an outdated, 93-year-old wood structure that lacks even the most basic spectator amenities for the 21st Century? After attending the meet and seeing the people who want to keep the East stand alive, it’s clear what the tie is between Eugene and that building.
What is it? The answer and all the details in our Lane One commentary, plus the kick-off of an enormous week of sport:
(1) THE TICKER: A special honor for The Sports Examiner: the Adam Jacobs Award from the Track & Field Writers of America; thank you!
(2) THE BIG PICTURE: Now that Sion’s bid has died at the hands of voters, the Communist Party in the potential bid city of Graz, Austria is collecting signatures for a referendum there.
(3) FOOTBALL: What you need to know about the 2018 FIFA World Cup in a page and a half. Really; everything you really need to know.
(4) FOOTBALL: Tobin Heath scores the winning goal for the U.S. in a 2-1 decision over China in a friendly in Cleveland.
(5) SHOOTING: Star U.S. shooter Vincent Hancock wins his 10th career World Cup gold medal in Skeet in Malta, his third win of 2018!
This issue includes ON DECK previews of Football ~ Badminton ~ Cycling ~ Gymnastics; SCOREBOARD reports on Basketball ~ Cycling ~ Football ~ Golf ~ Sailing ~ Shooting ~ Tennis ~ Volleyball, plus AGENDA, our exclusive calendar of upcoming international events!
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