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TSX HEADLINES – for Jan. 5, 2018: Over the past 17 months, we’ve shared 225 issues of The Sports Examiner with you and been grateful for the positive response.
Now our future is in your hands; it’s time to subscribe. We’ll be finishing the free-trial period with next week’s three issues and then the subscriber-access period will begin. If you’re enjoying what you read, please sign up … and tell your friends.
We provide all of the details in our Lane One commentary, plus the latest on the unceasing march of international sport:
(1) FIGURE SKATING: The Prudential U.S. Nationals is underway and we have the Short Program results that show Nathan Chen, Bradie Tennell and the wife-and-husband team of Alexa Scimera Knierim and Chris Knierim leading in Pairs;
(2) SPEED SKATING: The U.S. Olympic Trials are on in Milwaukee and exactly the right athletes made the team in the 1,000 m: Heather Bergsma, Brittany Bowe, Joey Mantia and Shani Davis. Good for them and for U.S. medal hopes in Korea!
(3) ALPINE SKIING: Will Mikaela Shiffrin ever lose again? She won another Slalom race and could be on her way to eight World Cup wins in nine races by next Tuesday!
This issue includes GLOBETROTTING from Phil Hersh on a U.S. senator’s call for a U.S. boycott if North Korea attends the Winter Games; HEADLINES coverage of the Prudential U.S. National Figure Skating Championships and U.S. Olympic Speed Skating Trials; ON DECK previews of Bobsleigh & Skeleton ~ Freestyle Skiing ~ Luge ~ Snowboard; SCOREBOARD reports on Alpine Skiing ~ Cross Country Skiing ~ Ice Hockey ~ Ski Jumping, and AGENDA, our calendar of top-level international events.
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